

All terms Māori terms only

    A strong knowledge base


    Academic Quality Agency for New Zealand Universities (AQA)

    Academic Quality Agency is an independent body established and owned by Universities New Zealand, which reviews academic quality monitoring systems and advises on good practice and quality-assurance issues


    Adult and Community Education

    ACE Aotearoa

    Adult and Community Education (ACE) Aotearoa Incorporated (ACE Aotearoa) is a professional development body of networks of adult and community educators. ACE Aotearoa supports the sector to deliver centrally coordinated, structured learning.

    ACE Aotearoa Sector Capability Building Funding

    ACE Aotearoa Sector Capability Building Funding is to enable ACE Aotearoa to perform three roles and achieve the outcomes of strategic sector leadership, sector capability building, and sector co-ordination.

    Achievement standard

    A nationally registered set of learning outcomes and associated assessment criteria.   Achievement standards are derived from the New Zealand Curriculum.

    Actual average duration offset

    Recalculates STMs adjusting funding where learners have been enrolled longer, on average, than the estimate (the nominal duration) made by the ITO.

    Adult and Community Education (ACE)

    Provides community-based education, foundation skills and pathways into other learning opportunities that meet the needs of the community.

    Adult and Community Education Aotearoa Incorporated

    Adult and Community Education (ACE) Aotearoa Incorporated (ACE Aotearoa) is a professional development body of networks of adult and community educators. ACE Aotearoa supports the sector to deliver centrally coordinated, structured learning.

    Adult Literacy Educator Fund

    Provides support for educators studying for qualifications in teaching adult literacy and numeracy.  


    Effective teaching and learning for, and with, Māori Learners and the conditions that support it.

    Ako Aotearoa

    Champions of Excellence in tertiary teaching and learning excellence in New Zealand

    Ako Panuku

    A Ministry of Education professional development programme for Māori teachers in year 7-13.  


    Learner or student.


    Adult Literacy Educator fund


    The approved allocation for each provider or fund as decided by the relevant delegated authority.


    Annual Maximum Fee Movement policy which sets limits on fees that TEOs can change learners enrolled in SAC level 3 and above funded courses.


    Analyse My Performance is a Workspace application where TEOs can view, download and analyse their educational performance information for SAC and YG funding.

    Analyse My Performance

    A Workspace application where TEOs can view, download and analyse their educational performance information for SAC and YG funding, prior to this information being published on the TEC website.


    A person receiving Apprenticeship training.  Covers both a modern apprentice and a New Zealand apprentice.                       

    Apprenticeship Boost

    Part of the Government’s wider Apprenticeship Support Programme — a cross-agency response to help employers support their employees in formal training including apprenticeships, while dealing with the effects of COVID-19.


    The Government's assignment of money for a special purpose, generally through its annual Budget.


    Academic Quality Agency is an independent body established and owned by Universities New Zealand, which reviews academic quality monitoring systems and advises on good practice and quality-assurance issues.

    Assessment Tool

    An Online tool that provides robust and reliable information on the reading, writing and numeracy skills of adults.

    Better Public Services

    Public sector reforms set out by the Government.  Educational goals focus on boosting skills and employment, and increasing the numbers of learners gaining qualifications (at level 4 and above) after qualifications.


    The Business Growth Agenda is an ambitious programme of work that will support New Zealand businesses to grow, in order to create jobs and improve New Zealanders' standard of living.


    The Better Public Services programme is the next phase in the Government's public sector reforms and is squarely focused on getting the system working to delivery better results and improved services to New Zealanders.

    Build effective partnerships

    Mahi ngātahi

    Business Growth Agenda

    Initiatives and policy reforms that will help New Zealand businesses to grow.  Focuses on six key areas: export markets, innovation, infrastructure, skilled and safe workplaces, natural resources and capital.                                                                                          

    Careers system

    The mix of stakeholders and influencers that work together to deliver education, skills development, career development support, and employment for all New Zealanders.

    Careers system strategy

    A national strategy outlining the vision, strategic priorities, and actions that collectively support the strengthening and future-proofing of New Zealand’s careers system. 


    The Community Education fund is for adult and community education and literacy, numeracy and English language provision.

    Centre of Vocational Excellence (CoVE)

    A group from across a sector that works together to grow excellent vocational provision, and share high-quality curriculum and programme design across the vocational education system.

    Centres of Asia-Pacific Excellence (CAPEs)

    A collaboration between tertiary education providers and stakeholders to enhance our partnerships with the Asia Pacific region. CAPEs will be cross-institutional centres of excellence, in the language, culture, politics and economics of countries or groups of countries within the Asia-Pacific region.

    Centres of Research Excellence (CoREs)

    Networks of researchers working together.  Each CoRE is hosted by a university.   Partner organisations include other universities, Crown research institutes and wānanga.

    Champion aspiration


    Code of Good Practice for New Zealand Apprenticeships

    Sets out the responsibilities and expectations of all parties involved in a New Zealand Apprenticeship: the apprentice, the employer and the industry training organisation.                                                                                    


    A group of people who share common characteristics or experiences within a defined timespan.  May be characteristic-based  (e.g. ethnicity, gender); event-based (e.g. left school, enrolled in tertiary education);  or both (e.g. Māori students who left school in 2014).

    Cohort-based qualification completion rate

    The cohort-based qualification completion rate measures how many learners in a starting cohort go on to complete a qualification at the same level after a given amount of time.


    A template used in the Workspace 2 online data platform.   It collects a TEO's mix of provision (MoP) or Educational Performance Indicator Commitments (EPIC) commitments as part of the Investment Plan process.

    Community Education

    Funds foundational level literacy, numeracy and English language skills for adult learners who have low skills in these areas.

    Compulsory student service fee (CSSF)

    Tertiary education organisations (TEOs) can charge domestic students a fee to help fund the costs of delivering student services such as health care and recreational activities.


    A cooperative arrangement among groups or institutions.  We fund TEOs as part of a consortium for Māori and Pasifika Trades Training and ICT Graduate Schools.


    A cooperative arrangement among groups or institutions.  We fund TEOs as part of a consortium for Māori and Pasifika Trades Training and ICT Graduate Schools.


    Centres of Research Excellence are inter-institutional networks of researchers working together on a commonly agreed work programme.  Each hosted by a university and comprising several partner organisations including other universities.

    Course classification

    Each course or programme of study  we fund is given a classification based on the subject matter and sometimes on the level or duration of a course's home qualification.

    Course completion

    Where a student meets the academic requirements of a course (i.e. a pass).  May also refer to an unsuccessful course completion (i.e. a fail).  Different from a withdrawal, where a student does not complete the course.

    Course completion rate

    The successfully completed enrolments in courses at a TEO each year, as a proportion of the total enrolments in courses, weighted by the EFTS value of the enrolments.


    Centre of Vocational Excellence. A group from across a sector that works together to grow excellent vocational provision, and share high-quality curriculum and programme design across the vocational education system.


    One credit represents a notional 10 hours of learning, practice and assessment time with respect to the outcomes and contexts of a standard. One full-time year of study equates to 120 credits or 1 EFTS.

    Credit completion

    Represents the credits achieved by trainees at an ITO, as a proportion of the total number of credits trainees are expected to complete in a given period at each ITO.


    One credit represents a notional 10 hours of learning, practice and assessment time with respect to the outcomes and contexts of a standard.  One full-time year of study equates to 120 credits or 1 EFTS.


    Compulsory student service fee is a fee that Tertiary education organisations can charge domestic students to help fund the costs of delivering student services such as health care and recreational activities.


    Comma-separated values

    Data accuracy

    One of the components of data quality. It refers to whether the data values stored for an object are the correct values.  A correct data value must be the right value and must be represented in a consistent and unambiguous form.


    The provision of education by a TEO.

    Delivery site

    TEC approved delivery site for a TEO's delivery.

    Develop an Investment Approach



    Directly-funded organisations who access the Industry Training Fund directly (not via a TEO).


    Direct Funding Scheme.  The Industry Training Fund (ITF) allows employers with significant numbers of industry trainees, groups of employers, Group Training Schemes and current Modern Apprenticeship Co-ordinators selected by the TEC, to access the Industry Training Fund directly (not via an ITO).


    A nationally registered, coherent set of learning outcomes and associated assessment criteria. Achievement standards are derived from the New Zealand Curriculum. 

    Direct Funding Scheme

    Allows employers to access the Industry Training Fund directly (not via an ITO). These employers have significant numbers of industry trainees, groups of employers, Group Training Schemes and current Modern Apprenticeship Coordinators.

    Directly-funded organisation

    Organisations who access the Industry Training Fund directly (not via an ITO). These can be employers with significant numbers of industry trainees, groups of employers, Group Training Schemes and current Modern Apprenticeship Coordinators selected by the TEC.


    The process by which a qualification and its EFTS value is split into courses and their course EFTS factors, which are then allocated course classifications and funding categories to determine funding.

    Dual Pathways Pilot

    Allocates a portion of Youth Guarantee funding to successfully prepare and transition students from the world of education into the world of work.  Tertiary education providers and secondary schools will work in collaboration and partnership with employers/industries

    Education Act 1989

    The Act and its subsequent amendments that reformed the administration of education in New Zealand. This has been replaced by Education and Training Act 2020.

    Education and Training Act 2020

    The Education and Training Act 2020 came into effect on 1 August 2020. It incorporates and replaces the Education Acts 1964 and 1989 and implements changes from the Education Work Programme. The Act repeals and replaces all major existing education and training legislation. It is intended to be simpler, more user-friendly and less prescriptive than the previous legislative framework.

    Education Sector Logon (ESL)

    An identity management, authentication, authorisation and single sign-on service for the education sector. Allows you to access our systems: Workspace 2, Ngā Kete, Qlik, ITR and the Assessment Tool. Previously known as "Education Sector Authentication and Authorisation" or “ESAA”.

    Educational performance indicator (EPI)

    A group of performance indicators that give a view of how well tertiary providers are helping their students to achieve.   They show how many students progress and stay in study, and how many courses and qualifications are completed.

    Educational Performance Indicator Commitments (EPICs)

    A group of performance indicators that give a view of how well tertiary providers are helping their students to achieve.   They show how many students progress and stay in study, and how many courses and qualifications are completed.


    A unique identifier assigned to each educational body (including TEOs, schools, early childhood centres etc.)  


    Engineering Education to Employment programme was set up in June 2014 to help facilitate the goal of increasing engineering graduates by 500+ per annum by 2017.


    English for Migrants.  This programme enables migrants to participate in English Language courses, helping them settle into communities and work.


    Equivalent full-time student (EFTS) is a measure of consumption of education (or the size of a qualification in relation to workload).

    One EFTS unit is defined as the learner workload that would normally be carried out in a single academic year (12-month period) by a learner enrolled full-time, and generally equates to 120 credits on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF).


    The Executive Leadership Team is the Senior Management Team which includes the Chief Executive, the Deputy Chief Executives and the Chief Advisor Māori (first and second tier managers).

    Emergency Management (ACE)

    Supports civil defence, emergency management and fire fighting volunteers to acquire the skills and accreditation they need.

    Engineering e2e

    Programme to increase engineering graduates by 500 per annum by 2017.  This partnership includes the TEC, institutes of technology and polytechnics, Business NZ, the Institution of Professional Engineers (IPENZ) and a number of other organisations.

    Engineering Education to Employment (e2e)

    Programme to increase engineering graduates by 500 per annum by 2017.  This partnership includes the TEC, institutes of technology and polytechnics, Business NZ, the Institution of Professional Engineers (IPENZ) and a number of other organisations.

    Entrepreneurial Universities

    The initiative will establish a competitive fund for co-investment with universities to attract world-leading entrepreneurial academics to New Zealand.  Their skills and experience will foster stronger connections with overseas universities, research institutes and businesses.


    Education performance indicator - a group of performance indicators that give a view of how well tertiary providers are helping their students to achieve.


    Education performance indicator commitment (EPIC).  A group of performance indicators that give a view of how well tertiary providers are helping their students to achieve.


    Education performance indicators that give a view of how well tertiary providers are helping their students to achieve.

    Equity Funding

    The Government's contribution to help improve access to tertiary education and the achievement of Māori learners, Pasifika learners and learners with disabilities.  It is a 'top-up' to SAC funding.

    Equivalent full-time student (EFTS)

    One EFTS unit is defined as the learner workload in a single academic year (12-month period) by a learner enrolled full-time.  Usually is 120 credits on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF).


    Education Sector Authentication and Authorisation.  An identity management, authentication, authorisation and single sign-on service for the education sector.

    Executive Leadership Team (ELT)

    The Senior Management Team includes the Chief Executive, the Deputy Chief Executives and the Chief Advisor Māori (first and second tier managers).


    Final approval letter.  A letter to the TEO that sets out the terms and conditions on which funding is provided in accordance with a funding mechanism.


    The Fees-Free Tertiary Education and Training policy was introduced in January 2018. It makes the equivalent of one year tertiary study or training fees-free for new students and trainees.

    Financial Monitoring Framework

    The FMF's provide an initial assessment of the financial wellbeing of a TEI or TEO.

    Financial performance monitoring

    The Tertiary Education Commission is required to monitor tertiary education organisations (TEOs) which receive funding from the TEC.


    Financial Monitoring Framework.  The FMF provides an initial assessment of the financial wellbeing of a TEI or TEO.

    Fund owner

    Has overall decision-making responsibility for administration of the fund across the sectors that access the fund (e.g. ILN fund owner decisions are applied to PTE and TEI sub-sectors) and for the success of the fund.

    fund recovery

    A recovery payable to the Tertiary Education Commission by a TEO for under-delivery, over-funding or revocation of funding.

    Fund schedule

    Was previously used for funds that were not approved via Investment Plan Approval.   It contained any fund–specific terms and conditions.  It was an appendix in a funding approval letter.


    The funding administered by the TEC pursuant to a funding mechanism.

    Funding agreement

    An agreement used for funding that is not provided in accordance with a funding mechanism under Section 419 of the Education and Training Act 2020. The agreement sets out the terms and conditions on which funding is provided.

    Funding approval

    A decision we made under Section 425 of the Education and Training Act 2020 to fund some or all of the tertiary education programmes and activities described in an organisation's proposed Plan.

    Funding category

    A grouping of course classifications into bands for the purpose of funding courses and programmes. The funding category is based on subject and the level of study.

    Funding condition

    An enforceable requirement imposed by the Education and Training Act and/or the TEC that attaches to funding.

    Funding confirmation

    A letter to a TEO that sets out the terms and conditions on which funding is provided in accordance with a funding mechanism.

    Funding confirmation guidance

    Guidance we provide to help TEOs understand the information in the Funding Confirmation. The guidance is linked to the particular fund(s) specified in the Funding Confirmation.

    Funding initiative

    An initiative which does not necessarily have a separate fund associated with it.

    Funding mechanism

    The mechanism determined by the Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills and Employment under Section 419 of the Education and Training Act 2020 that we must use to fund organisations.  A funding mechanism outlines the general form and essential components of a fund which we must use to fund TEOs. 

    Funding recovery

    Under an Investment Plan, funding recovery may be made if delivery is less than 99% of the SAC delivery agreed in a Plan.  Recoveries are provided for in a number of funds where under-delivery occurs. A recovery may also be the result of an audit or a targeted review.

    Funding recovery letter

    A formal letter which is sent to a TEO advising them of a funding recovery.


    Provides senior secondary students (year 11 and above) with access to structured workplace learning including specific assessment methods.

    Grant funding

    A funding arrangement that is designed to support an organisation or an activity, rather than to buy goods or services.

    Group Training Scheme Fund (GTS)

    The Group Training Scheme (GTS) Fund is to ensure apprentices employed by Group Training Schemes are able to be retained by making the Schemes viable during the immediate aftermath of the lockdown due to COVID-19.


    The Group Training Scheme (GTS) Fund is to ensure apprentices employed by Group Training Schemes are able to be retained by making the Schemes viable during the immediate aftermath of the lockdown due to COVID-19.


    The Hardship Fund for Learners (HAFL) provides temporary financial assistance for tertiary learners who are facing hardship from the impacts of COVID-19. 





    Hardship Fund for Learners (HAFL)

    This fund provides temporary financial assistance for tertiary learners who are facing hardship from the impacts of COVID-19. 

    He Pitopito Kōrero

    Title of a Ministry of Education school bulletin for school leaders.

    Hei Toko I te Tukunga

    A set of sector-specific good practise exemplars, developed by Ako Aotearoa, which highlight how to embed kaupapa Māori principles into the learning environment.

    Home-Based ECE Programme Development in Other Languages

    The fund is available to support the development of ECE programmes appropriate for home-based educators in languages other than English and te reo Māori.


    We partner for success

    Hui Taumata Mātauranga

    Māori education summit.

    ICT Graduate Schools

    The purpose of ICT Graduate Schools is to deliver industry-focused ICT education, and ICT research and development, built on connections between tertiary education organisations and businesses.


    Intensive Literacy and Numeracy - Refugee English.  Provides fees-free access to English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) qualifications for up to 400 refugees annually.

    ILN - ESOL

    Intensive Literacy and Numeracy - English for Speakers of Other Languages

    Immersion schools

    Schools in which students are taught through the Māori language for more than 80 percent of the time.

    Independent Tertiary Institutions

    A recognised industry peak body representing 14 large PTEs around New Zealand.   Also known as Ngā Wānanga Motuhake.

    Industry Training Fund

    Training to people in employment, in skills that will be useful to industry.  A partnership between government and industry.

    Industry Training Organisation Strategic Leadership Fund

    The ITO Strategic Leadership Fund is used to fund proposals by industry training organisations for the development of new qualifications that the TEC expects will generate the greatest value in terms of the wider tertiary education system.

    Industry Training Register

    An online data collection service that captures information about activity in the industry training sector in near real time.

    Institute of technology and polytechnic (ITP)

    Institutes of technology and polytechnics (ITPs) focus on delivering technical, vocational and professional education up to degree and postgraduate levels.  They also promote applied research to support vocational learning.

    Intensive Literacy and Numeracy - English for Speakers of Other Languages

    Supports the provision of fees-free English for Speakers of Other Languages programmes to adult refugees (including protected persons) and migrants who are pre-literate learners or learners who have very low levels of English language and literacy.

    Intensive Literacy and Numeracy - Refugee English

    Provides fees-free access to English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) qualifications for up to 400 refugees annually.  Aims to support refugees to reach a level of English that will allow them to enter employment or education.

    Intensive Literacy and Numeracy Fund

    Supports the intensive provision of quality fees-free literacy, language and numeracy learning opportunities for learners with low-level literacy and numeracy skills.  Is delivered as an average 100 hours of literacy and numeracy learning per learner within a 5 to 20 week period.

    International Education Recovery Plan

    The International Education Recovery Plan is a long-term strategic recovery plan that aims to help reset New Zealand’s international education sector in response to the COVID-19 crisis.

    Investment Approach


    The TEC's new investment approach will focus on using our levers to increase the contribution of tertiary education to improving social and economic outcomes for learners and for all New Zealanders.

    Investment Plan

    Describes how a tertiary education organisation (TEO) will achieve government priorities set out in the Tertiary Education Strategy. Includes a TEO’s mission and role in the tertiary sector and all the programmes and activities it runs.   


    International Standard Classification of Education.  This is a classification of levels of education ranging from zero to nine.


    Industry Training fund.  Training to people in employment, in skills that will be useful to industry.  A partnership between government and industry.


    Independent Training Institutions is a recognised industry peak body representing 14 large PTEs around New Zealand.


    Industry training organisation.  Co-ordinates structured training for employees, both on-job and off-job.


    Institute of Technology and Polytechnic.  ITPs focus on delivering technical, vocational and professional education up to degree and postgraduate levels.


    Industry Training Register is an online data collection service that captures information about activity in the industry training sector in near real time.


    Extended kinship group or tribe or people.  Often refers to a large group of people descended from a common ancestor and associated with a distinct territory.


    Cultural practices, values and views specific to a particular iwi.

    Joint Ventures and Amalgamation Projects

    Part of the Industry Training Fund.


    Joint Ventures and Amalgamation Projects (JVAP) funding is part of the Industry Training Fund.




    An elder.

    Kaupapa Māori

    Initiatives, elements, or ideas, that reflect a Māori world view.

    Kaupapa Māori education

    Māori education that incorporates a Māori world view and ways of teaching in a range of settings including bilingual and immersion settings (English and Māori).

    Key Information Set

    Key Information Set is a collection of information intended to inform learners about specific qualifications provided by TEOs.


    Key Information Set.  Is a collection of information intended to inform learners about specific qualifications provided by TEOs.

    Kōhanga Reo

    Māori education that incorporates a Māori world view and ways of teaching in a range of settings including bilingual and immersion settings (English and Māori).

    Kore utu

    Fees free


    We work as one



    Kura kaupapa Māori

    Māori language school settings based on Māori philosophies.  


    Limited Credit Programme.  Is a "taster" towards a particular qualification.

    Legacy fund

    Funds which are no longer current.

    literacy and numeracy

    Literacy is the written and oral language people use in their everyday life and work.  It includes reading, writing, speaking and listening.  Numeracy is the ability to reason and to apply simple numerical concepts.

    Literacy and Numeracy

    Literacy is the written and oral language people use in their everyday life and work.  It includes reading, writing, speaking and listening.  Numeracy is the ability to reason and to apply simple numerical concepts.

    Literacy and Numeracy for Adults Assessment Tool (LNAAT)

    Online tool that provides robust and reliable information on the reading, writing and numeracy skills of adults.


    Literacy, Language and Numeracy.  The TEC has a number of funding provisions to improve Literacy, language and numeracy (LLN) skills.


    Literacy and Numeracy for Adults Assessment Tool.  Online tool that provides robust and reliable information on the reading, writing and numeracy skills of adults.


    Modern Apprenticeship Co-ordinators provide support and mentoring to Modern Apprentices and their employers throughout a Modern Apprenticeship programme.

    Mahi Ngātahi

    Build effective partnerships

    Mahi Tahi

    Work together.


    Dignity, prestige, honour.

    Mana whenua

    Self identity and a sense of belonging to a particular place and time. Mana whenua is based on the principle of ahikaa (occupation over designated territory) and refers to the customary authority exercised by the tangata whenua in an identified area.

    Māori and Pasifika Trades Training (MPTT)

    MPTT provides fees-free tertiary places for Māori and Pasifika learners to enable them to acquire the skills and attributes to take up a New Zealand Apprenticeship at level 4 or higher on the NZQF.

    Māori language education

    All education that teaches Māori language skills and delivers education through te reo Māori.



    Mātauranga Māori

    Māori knowledge in its widest and broadest terms and includes all aspects of Māori culture.


    Monitoring and Crown Ownership

    Medical Trainee Intern Grant

    Medical Trainee Intern Grants are paid to the University of Auckland and the University of Otago as a stipend for domestic sixth year medical trainee interns.


    Micro-credentials are stand-alone education products intended to enable learners to access specific knowledge and skills in a cost-effective and time-efficient way. They are smaller than qualifications, with a tight focus on developing skills to meet the immediate needs of industry, employers, iwi and/or community.

    Ministry of Education (MoE)

    The Government’s lead advisor on the New Zealand education system

    Mix of provision

    The provisions in a Plan that set out the activities the TEO intends to provide.


    Ministry of Education


    Mix of Provision.  The provisions in a plan that set out the activities the TEO intends to provide.


    Maori and Pasifika Trades Training (MPTT) provides fees-free tertiary places for Maori and Pasifika learners to enable them to acquire the skills and attributes to take up a New Zealand Apprenticeship at level 4 or higher on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework.

    National Certification of Educational Achievement (NCEA)

    The National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) is New Zealand's main national qualification for senior secondary school and is available in three levels

    National Student Index

    The National Student Index (NSI) is a database maintained by the Ministry of Education. 

    National Student Number

    The national student number (NSN) is a unique identifier, which will be a lifetime identification number that learners keep even if they study at more than one TEO.


    National Certification of Educational Achievement (NCEA) is New Zealand's main national qualification for senior secondary school and is available in three levels.

    New Zealand Apprenticeship

    Formal work-based training programmes leading to careers in industry.  Learners are employed in the occupation for which they are training.

    New Zealand Apprenticeships

    Formal work-based training programmes leading to careers in industry.  Learners are employed in the occupation for which they are training.

    New Zealand Apprenticeships Register

    It is a statutory requirement that the TEC maintains a register of approved New Zealand Apprenticeships (including complex arrangements).

    New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA)

    The Crown entity charged with ensuring that New Zealand qualifications are robust and credible nationally and internationally.

    New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF)

    A qualification system designed and administered by NZQA to structure New Zealand/National qualifications.

    New Zealand Standard Classification of Education (NZSCED)

    A qualification system designed and administered by NZQA to structure New Zealand/National qualifications.

    Ngā Kete

    Ngā Kete is a secure web portal or “doorway” into our information.  It gives us and TEOs quick access to information from multiple sources though search and browse functionality.

    Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga

    The Māori Centre for Research Excellence.


    We learn and innovate


    National Student Index is a database maintained by the Ministry of Education.  The purpose of the application is to allocate a unique identifier, the National Student Number, to every student enrolled with an education provider in New Zealand.


    National Student Number is a unique identifier, which will be a lifetime identification number that learners keep even if they study at more than one TEO.


    New Zealand Apprenticeship.  Is a formal work-based training programme leading to careers in industry.  Learners are employed in the occupation for which they are training.


    New Zealand Qualifications Authority.  The Crown entity charged with ensuring that New Zealand qualifications are robust and credible nationally and internationally.


    New Zealand Qualifications Framework.  A qualification system designed and administered by NZQA to structure New Zealand/National qualifications.


    New Zealand Standard Classification of Education codes are used to classify courses and qualifications at tertiary level by field of study.


    Funding that is not approved via a Plan. This funding is approved under section 159ZC.


    Funding that is not approved via a Plan. This funding is approved under section 159ZC.

    Off-Plan condition

    A condition imposed by Section 429 or a condition the TEC imposed on funding under Section 429.  

    Off-Plan funding

    Funding that is not approved via a Plan. This funding is approved under section 159ZC.

    Off-Plan funding approval letter

    A letter to advise the TEO that funding has been approved under Section 428 in accordance with a funding mechanism. It sets out the terms and conditions on which funding is provided.


    A deduction that is applied to an ITO based on not meeting learner performance or enrolment criteria. There are two STM offsets (actual average duration and over enrolment) and one funding offset (under achievement).


    A type of Legislative Instrument that is made by the Executive Council presided over by the Governor-General.

    On- and off-Plan funding approval letter

    A letter to advise the TEO that funding has been approved under Sections 428 and 425 in accordance with a funding mechanism.  It sets out the terms and conditions on which funding is provided.

    On-Plan condition

    A condition imposed by Section 426 or a condition the TEC imposed on funding under Section 426.

    On-Plan funding

    Funding that is approved via a Plan. This funding is approved under section 159YA.

    On-Plan funding approval letter

    A letter to advise the TEO that funding has been approved under Section 425 in accordance with a funding mechanism.  It sets out the terms and conditions on which funding is provided.

    Our internal capability



    An umbrella term for a diverse range of peoples from the South Pacific region.  Includes Samoan, Cook Island, Tongan, Niuean, Tokelauan, and Fijian peoples,  or people within New Zealand who have strong family and cultural connections to Pacific Islands.

    Pasifika Education Plan 2013-2017

    The Government's education strategy aimed at raising Pasifika learners’ participation, engagement and achievement from early learning through to tertiary education.

    Pasifika Initiatives

    Initiatives relating to Pasifika educational outcomes.

    Pasifika Perspectives

    Paskifka cultural beliefs and world views.

    Pasifika Strategies

    Strategies relating to improving Pasifika educational outcomes.

    Pathways Awarua

    Part of the suite of national resources we developed to help adult learners strengthen their numeracy, reading and writing competencies.  Awarua is the name of a pattern which is used in rāranga - Māori weaving. In the learning context Awarua reflects the connections that often occur between literacy and numeracy as they “weave” through programmes and courses.


    Performance-Based Research Fund.  This appropriate is limited to funding research-based teaching on the basis of measured research quality in tertiary education organisations.

    Peak body

    An association of organisations of allied interests.  Formed to represent the collective views of its members to government, the community and other bodies.


    PELT is Pre-purchased English Language Tuition, previously known as English for Migrants. This programme enables migrants to participate in English language courses, helping them settle into communities and work.  Some migrants are required to pre-pay English Language Tuition (PELT) fees to Immigration New Zealand before arriving in New Zealand.  We administer this pre-purchased tuition.


    Pasifika Education Plan 2013 - 2017.  The Government's education strategy aimed at raising Pasifika learners' participation, engagement and achievement from early learning through to tertiary education.

    Performance Consequences Framework

    The Performance Consequences Framework is a process that assists TEC to define performance expectations and manage individual tertiary education organisation (TEO) performance. It also ensures confidence in our decisions about how we manage differing levels of performance.

    Performance Improvement Framework

    A review of an agency's fitness-for-purpose.  It looks at the current state of an agency, then how well placed it is to deal with the issues that confront it in the medium-term future.      

    Performance indicator

    A performance indicator is agreed between the TEC and an individual TEO and is used to measure whether proposed outcomes are being achieved.

    Performance indicators

    The indicators that are agreed between the TEC and an individual TEO that are used to measure whether proposed outcomes are being achieved.  They form part of a TEO's Investment Plan.

    Performance monitoring

    The monitoring we carry out for the TEOs we fund.

    Performance-Based Research Fund (PBRF)

    Funds research and research-based teaching on the basis of measured research quality in tertiary education organisations.  Aims to increase or maintain the quality of research and research-based teaching and learning and to improve investment in research within the tertiary sector.

    Performance-linked funding

    A system introduced in 2010 to encourage all TEOs to reach an acceptable standard of educational performance.  From 2012, it links five percent of providers' SAC funding to their performance in the EPIs in the previous year.


    Performance Improvement Framework.  A joint central agency initiative to help senior leaders improve the performance of the agencies they lead.


    An Investment Plan (Plan) must describe how a tertiary education organisation (TEO) will achieve government priorities set out in the Tertiary Education Strategy.  It includes a TEO’s mission and role in the tertiary sector,  all the tertiary education programmes and activities they run.  Covers  the outcomes proposed by a TEO, including performance indicators.

    Plan content

    The required content of a proposed Plan that the TEC has prescribed and given public notice of in accordance with Schedule 18, clause 6 of the Education and Training Act 2020.

    Plan criteria

    We use these to assess proposed Plans to determine if they will receive funding approval.  Governed by Section 424 of the Education and Training Act 2020.

    Plan exempt

    A PTE, school and CEP who is exempt from the requirement to submit a Plan.

    Plan exemption

    A PTE, school and CEP that receives less than $3 million in TEC funding and meets organisation performance requirements may be exempt from the requirement to submit a Plan.

    Plan Guidance

    Guidance we publish on the content and process for criteria used to assess proposed Plans. Governed by Section 409 of the Education and Training Act 2020.

    Plan summary

    Organisations with Plans must make summaries available to the public.  Summaries include the matters we have prescribed under Schedule 18, clause 24 of the Education and Training Act 2020.


    Performance-linked funding.  A system introduced in 2010 to encourage all TEOs to reach an acceptable standard of educational performance.

    Pre-purchased English Language Tuition

    This programme enables migrants to participate in English language courses, helping them settle into communities and work.  Some migrants are required to pre-pay English Language Tuition (PELT) fees to Immigration New Zealand before arriving in New Zealand.  We administer this pre-purchased tuition.

    Private training establishments (PTEs)

    Private training establishments (PTEs) deliver foundation level programmes and qualifications, up to higher level post-graduate qualifications, depending on their educational subject areas. PTEs are diverse in terms of mission, scale of operation, location, culture and educational subject area.

    Programme completion

    This indicator measures the number of programmes being completed by trainees, as a proportion of the total number of credits arranged at each TEO.


    Education or learning provided by a tertiary education organisation.


    Private training establishment (PTEs) delivery foundation level programmes and qualifications, up to higher level post-graduate qualifications, depending on their educational subject areas.


    Private training establishment (PTEs) delivery foundation level programmes and qualifications, up to higher level post-graduate qualifications, depending on their educational subject areas.




    Quality Assurance.  The New Zealand Qualifications Authority is the body primarily responsible for quality assurance matters in the tertiary education sector.

    Quality Assurance

    New Zealand Qualifications Authority has overall national responsibility for the approval, accreditation and registration of tertiary education organisations (other than universities) and the programmes they provide. Universities New Zealand is responsible for the approval and quality assurance of university qualifications.


    Research. Can be applied to research specifically about issues of interest to and for Māori.


    Māori youth.



    Rate my Qualification

    Provides information to prospective tertiary students on the ratings of qualifications from different TEOs by employers and recent graduates.




    Rural Education Activities Programme (REAP).  A REAP provider is a community-based TEO providing a flexible education resource, formal and non-formal education service for defined rural communities within geographical districts, excluding any urban areas with populations greater than 20,000.

    Reform of Vocational Education (RoVE)

    The Reform of Vocational Education includes seven key changes that will create a unified vocational education system.


    Rate My Qualification.  Will provide information to prospective tertiary students on the ratings of qualifications from different TEOs by employers and recent graduates. 


    Reform of Vocational Education

    Rural education activities programme providers (REAPs)

    A community-based TEO providing a flexible education resource, formal and non-formal education services for defined rural communities within geographical districts.   Excludes urban areas with populations greater than 20,000.


    Student Achievement Component.  The SAC is the government funding contribution or subsidy to the costs of teaching and learners and other costs driven by student numbers.

    Schedule of approved funding

    The appendix in a funding approval letter which specifies the approved funding amounts.

    Science, technology, engineering and mathematics

    STEM is an acronym referring to the academic disciplines of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.


    Supplementary Credit Programme (SCP) is a programme that allows trainees who have already completed a national qualification to undertake additional unit standards to upgrade or widen their existing qualifications without being required to re-sign into a full programme.


    Single Data Return.  An electronic collection of learner enrolment and completion information.

    Search and Rescue (ACE)

    A funding pool within ACE to support volunteers to acquire the skills and accreditation they need to perform search and rescue operations.  Intended for targeted, skills-based short awards (under 40 credits each), including training schemes.

    Single Data Return (SDR)

    An electronic collection of learner enrolment and completion information.  Required by the Ministry of Education and us for funding, monitoring performance, publishing performance information and statistical reporting purposes.

    Skills Highway

    A government initiative we fund.  Established to help employers learn how workplace literacy and numeracy training can help them improve business performance.


    The ITO Strategic Leadership Fund (SLF) is used to fund proposals by industry training organisations for the development of new qualifications that the TEC expects will generate the greatest value in terms of the wider tertiary education system.


    Student Management System. Is a database or application which can store information relating to a TEO.


    Student Management System.


    Statement of Intent (SOI).  A high-level description of our operating intentions and performance expectations over the next three to five years.  Also known as Strategic Intent Document.


    Statement of Performance Expectations.  Sets out the reportable class of outputs for the financial year and contains our forecasted financial statements.  We prepare this every financial year.

    Specialised English for Speakers of Other Languages

    Increases opportunities for adults to learn and improve their literacy and numeracy skills.  Particularly for migrants and refugees.


    Statement of Service Performance (SSP) is a reports, or a group of reports that provide primarily non-financial information recording our performance against specified objectives.

    Standard training measure (STM)

    An STM is defined as the amount of training that is required for a trainee to achieve 120 credits (or its equivalent) in an approved structured training programme.


    The Secondary Tertiary Alignment Resource (STAR) is administered by MoE and delivers additional operational grant funding to all State and State-Integrated schools with year 11-13+ students to assist schools, in partnership with another provider (or workplace), to provide students alternative learning experiences to support their retention and achievement in education and to help students find suitable pathways to work or further study.

    Statement of Intent

    A high-level description of our operating intentions and performance expectations over the next three to five years.  It provides the base against which we will later report in our Annual Report.

    Statement of Performance Expectations

    Sets out our reportable class of outputs for the financial year and contains our forecasted financial statements.  We prepare this every financial year.

    Statement of service performance

    Reports that provide primarily non-financial information recording our performance against specified objectives.


    STEM is an acronym referring to the academic disciplines of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.


    A website ( managed by the MoE and TEC for providing varied services to TEOs, including submitting the Single Data Return (SDR), accessing the SDR Manual, and managing courses, qualifications and delivery sites on the Course Register and the Qualifications Register.


    A Standard Training Measure (STM) is defined as the amount of training that is required for a trainee to achieve 120 credits (or its equivalent) in an approved structured training programme.

    Student Achievement Component (SAC)

    The SAC is the government funding contribution or subsidy to the costs of teaching and learning and other costs driven by student numbers. The total amount of SAC funding is calculated by multiplying the funding category rate by the number of domestic equivalent full-time students in an organisation’s Investment Plan. It constitutes nearly 70 percent of total government funding to tertiary education institutions through plans.

    Student progression

    Measured by the completion progression rate. This is a rate of re-enrolment in a higher-level qualification in the following year for students who have completed a qualification.

    Student retention

    Measured by the student completion (or continuation) rate. This is the number of re-enrolments or qualification completions at a TEO each year compared with the number of students present at the TEO in the previous year.


    A division of the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) which administers Student Allowances, Student Loans and Jobseeker Support Student Hardship for people undertaking study.

    Supplementary Credit Programme

    A Supplementary Credit Programme (SCP) is a programme that allows trainees who have already completed a national qualification to undertake additional unit standards to upgrade or widen their existing qualifications without being required to re-sign into a full qualification.


    Technology Access Fund for Learners

    Targeted Training and Apprenticeship Fund (TTAF)

    The Targeted Training and Apprenticeship Fund (also known as free trades training) will support learners to undertake vocational education and training without fees from 1 July 2020 until 31 December 2022. 



    Te Amorangi Mātauranga Matua

    Tertiary Education Commission

    Te Ao Hurihuri

    The ever-changing contemporary world.  References the need to be able to enjoy tertiary success, good health and a high quality of life.

    Te Ao Māori

    The Māori world (society, culture, language, tikanga) and references being able to participate and contribute to whānau, hapū and iwi.

    Te Kāhui Amokura

    A group established to advance and promote the collective interests of New Zealand's universities to improve outcomes for Māori university students, Māori university staff, and Māori scholarship

    Te kete mātauranga

    A basket of knowledge

    Te Marautanga o Aotearoa

    The curriculum framework applied in Māori medium settings.

    Te Pūkenga

    A unified, sustainable, public network of regionally accessible vocational education.
    Previously known as New Zealand Institute of Skills & Technology (NZIST).

    Te reo Māori

    The Māori language

    Te Reo Rangatira

    Title referring to a set of standards designed to support students in Māori immersion settings.

    Te Tauihu o Ngā Wānanga

    A collective national association comprised of representatives from the three wānanga: Te Wānanga o Raukawa, Te Wānanga o Aotearoa, and Te Wānanga o Awanuiārangi.

    Technology Access Fund for Learners (TAFL)

    The Technology Access Fund for Learners (TAFL) helps tertiary education organisations (TEOs) support learners to continue to access tertiary education and training that has been disrupted due to COVID-19.


    Tertiary Education Institution

    TEO-led Workplace Literacy and Numeracy (WLN)

    TEO-led Workplace Literacy and Numeracy (WLN) is intended to increase the literacy and numeracy skills of employees; and contribute to workplace productivity through the provision and evaluation of literacy and numeracy learning in a workplace context.


    Tertiary Education Organisations are any organisations that supply tertiary education and/or training and/or assessment services.

    tertiary education institutions (TEIs)

    An institution established under Section 268 of the Education and Training Act 2020. The Crown has an ownership interest in TEIs, which include universities, institutes of technology, polytechnics and wānanga.

    Tertiary education institutions (TEIs)

    An institution established under Section 268 of the Education and Training Act 2020. The Crown has an ownership interest in TEIs, which include universities, institutes of technology, polytechnics and wānanga.

    Tertiary education organisations (TEOs)

    A tertiary education organisation (TEO) is any organisation that supplies tertiary education and/or training and/or assessment services.

    Tertiary Education Strategy (TES)

    Sets out the Government's long-term strategic direction for tertiary education; and its current and medium-term priorities for tertiary education.  It is required under the Education and Training Act 2020.


    Tertiary Education Strategy (TES) sets out the Government's long-term strategic direction for tertiary education, and its current and medium-term priorities for tertiary education.

    TES Priorities

    The priorities set out in the Tertiary Education Strategy.


    Medical Trainee Intern Grants (TIG) are paid to the University of Auckland and the University of Otago as a stipend for domestic sixth year medical trainee interns.


    Can mean iwi practices or social studies (in Te Marautanga o Aotearoa).


    On 1 April 2020, TEC-funded Industry Training Organisations (ITOs) became Transitional ITOs under the Education (Vocational Education and Training Reform) Amendment Act 2020

    Trades Academies

    Trades Academies deliver trades and technology programmes for senior secondary school students (years 11–13). They provide a transition between school and tertiary education.

    Transitional Industry Training Organisations (TITOs)

    Transitional Industry Training Organisations (TITOs) co-ordinate structured training for employees, both on-job and off-job. This enables employees to gain a qualification from the New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF) while working and earning money. TEC-funded Industry Training Organisations (ITOs) became Transitional ITOs under the Education (Vocational Education and Training Reform) Amendment Act on 1 April 2020.


    Targeted Training and Apprenticeship Fund also known as free trades training.

    Tū Māia e Te Ākonga

    The Māori learner who stands proud, able, and confident.  Tū Māia is the name for our strategic implementation framework to support our TEC Story.  


    Business, industry.

    Universities New Zealand Te Pōkai Tara (UNZ)

    Universities New Zealand is responsible for the quality of university programmes, administers a range of scholarships  and represents the universities in the public interest, both nationally and internationally


    A TEI defined under Section 268 of the Education and Training Act 2020, that is characterised by a wide diversity of teaching and research, especially at a higher level.  It maintains, advances, disseminates and assists the application of knowledge, develops intellectual independence and promotes community learning.


    Universities New Zealand (UNZ) is responsible for the quality of university programmes.  Administers a range of scholarships and represents the universities in the public interest, both nationally and internationally.

    Vote tertiary education

    A Vote is a grouping of one or more appropriations that are the responsibility of a Minister of the Crown and are administered by a department. 


    New Zealand’s three wānanga provide quality education using Māori ways of teaching and learning; contributing towards the survival and well-being of Māori as a people.  Wānanga also have a continuing role to play in re-engaging learners into education.


    Workforce Development Council. There are six councils - Waihanga Ara Rau Construction and Infrastructure WDC, Toi Mai WDC, Toitū te Waiora Community, Health, Education and Social Services WDC, Hanga-Aro-Rau Manufacturing, Engineering and Logistics WDC, Muka Tangata - People, Food and Fibre WDC, Ringa Hora - Services WDC

    WDC/Transitional ITO COVID-19 Response Projects Fund

    The purpose of the WDC/Transitional ITO COVID-19 Response Projects Fund (the Fund) is to enable Transitional Industry Training Organisations (Transitional ITOs) and Workforce Development Councils (WDCs) to lead COVID-19 response projects that support the recovery of industry from the impacts of COVID-19.


    Six Workforce Development Councils (WDCs) have been established as part of the Reform of Vocational Education (RoVE). The industry coverage for WDCs is primarily based on the Vocational Pathways and represents broad groupings of industry. 

    We aim high

    Whaia te iti Kahurangi

    We learn and innovate


    We partner for success


    We work as one


    Whaia te iti Kahurangi

    We aim high


    Our internal capability


    A proverb.




    Māori-medium secondary settings based in and on Māori education philosophies.

    Workspace 2

    A secure online tool to enable electronic transactions between TEOs and us. Workspace 2 allows us to collect TEO data securely and automate the transfer of TEO data straight into our data warehouse.


    The TEO-led Workplace Literacy and Numeracy (WLN) fund is intended to increase the literacy and numeracy skills of employees; and contribute to workplace productivity through the provision and evaluation of literacy and numeracy learning in a workplace context.


    Workspace 2 (WS2) is a secure on-line tool to enable electronic transactions between TEOs and the TEC.


    The Youth Guarantee (YG) fund provides fees-free tertiary places for eligible domestic students aged 16 to 19 years who are studying towards NCEA levels 1 or 2 or another qualification at levels 1, 2, or 3 on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF).


    Youth Guarantee

    Provides fees-free tertiary places for eligible domestic students aged 16 to 19 years who are studying towards NCEA levels 1 or 2 or another qualification at levels 1, 2, or 3 on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF).