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Consultation on 2025 Funding Determinations and Fee Regulations is now open

Consultation on 2025 Funding Determinations and Fee Regulations is now open

Last updated 8 July 2024
Last updated 8 July 2024

The Ministry of Education (MoE) invites sector feedback on the 2025 funding determinations and fee regulation settings. Consultation on the funding determinations closes on 5 August 2024 and consultation on the fee regulation settings closes on 29 July 2024.

Providers have been sent an invitation to participate through DXP Ngā Kete or Workspace 2.

Why is the Ministry of Education consulting?

MoE is required under the Education and Training Act 2020 to consult on changes to fee regulation settings and variations to existing funding determinations.

The Minister for Tertiary Education and Skills has agreed to consult on proposed updates for 2025.

Please note that this is not a consultation on proposed changes to the vocational education and training system, this will be consulted on through a separate process.

Variations to funding determinations

MoE is consulting on variations to the following 11 funding determinations:

  • Adult and Community Education (ACE)
  • Delivery at Levels 1 and 2 on the NZQCF (DQ1-2)
  • Delivery at Levels 3-7 (non-degree) on the NZQCF and all industry training (DQ3-7)
  • Delivery at Levels 7 (degree) and above on the NZQCF (DQ7+)
  • English Language Teaching, including Refugee English (ELT)
  • Equity Funding
  • Gateway
  • Literacy and Numeracy Provision, including the Intensive Literacy and Numeracy Fund and the Workplace Literacy and Numeracy Fund (L&N)
  • Māori and Pasifika Trades Training (MPTT)
  • Performance-Based Research Fund (PBRF)
  • Youth Guarantee (YG)

For more information, please refer to the MoE website.

Funding determinations – Ministry of Education

Consultation on fee regulation settings

MoE has invited submissions on proposed changes to fee regulation settings from 2025:

  • 2025 Annual Maximum Fee Movement (AMFM) rate
  • Minor and technical changes to fee regulation settings, including fee settings for micro-credentials
  • Student services fees settings

The proposed fee regulation settings for 2025 have been published in the New Zealand Gazette.

The Tertiary Education (2025 Fee Regulation Settings) Notice 2024 New Zealand Gazette

Further information on the fee regulation settings can be found on the MoE website.

The Minister for Tertiary Education and Skills is consulting on tertiary fee regulation settings for 2025 – Ministry of Education